
  • about
  • The virtual, digital age resolves into the internet becoming a tool that brings together all of the existing encyclopedias in the world on one computer screen. The problem today is being able to find the exact information required, in this endless ocean of information and data.

    The attractive design of what surrounds us actively, culturally and commercially remains a matter of creativity, that cannot be taken over by a machine.

    Another Graphic is a digital archive of the better and best graphic design and design language. Another Graphic is an easily consultable website where interested people can browse through perspective ranging from inspiration to creation.

    Another Graphic fills a gap; the website focuses on an important niche and wants to remain a leader in this as an international platform; as a work tool that helps make the world “look” better.

    Another Graphic arose from a need, which makes this website a perfect, professional, aware and user-friendly answer.
  • curation
  • Another Graphic is curated by Studio Studio
    Number of posts in the archive: 1395
  • submission
  • If you want the give us a notice of your work, send an email to submission[at]anothergraphic.org. We try to look at every submission, but we cannot guarantee that your submission will be featured in the archive.
  • support (one love ✌️)
  • We are happy to show you our love for graphic design in all of its forms on Another Graphic. However, a lot of time, work and research is involved here to keep this archive up-to-date. This is the reason why we started our web shop. Not only do we try to generate a source of income to keep the website operational; it also provides us with a huge range of options:
    Short-term, we would like to provide new products by collaborating with (graphic) designers worldwide (and the graphic identity of AG).
    Long-term, we would like to make a printed publication of our archive. For this we need capital that we can obtain through the shop (or donations).
    You, the user of Another Graphic, can therefore support us by purchasing a product (or several) from our shop. We greatly appreciate this and ensure that we will keep developing this project in a sustainable way.

    Support the archive:
  • contact
  • Get in touch hello[at]anothergraphic.org
    Follow: InstagramTumblrFacebookPinterest
  • thanks to
  • Another Graphic couldn’t be done without the help of the interns at Studio Studio.
    Concept: Kabo Lee
    Graphic Design: Jolien Demey, Alex Pagnoux, Aurélie Defez
    Coding: Joseph Clenet
  • typeface
  • The Monotesk typeface is custom made for Another Graphic by Studio Studio and Emma Marichal, polished by Lou-Ann Bouyahia–Jauvin🖤.
  • copyright
  • All images are © of their respective owners.
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